Film o Jelenie Jankovic

Moje Życie

On 12th of November 2008, at 20.30 and 22.30, the feature documentary movie "Jelena's world" about tennis player Jelena Jankoviæ will have its world premiere in the cinema Roda Cineplex in Belgrade. This documentary movie, with high artistic potentials, will show the world of professional tennis, the life of one young fighter and champion. “Jelena’s world”, from the author and director Tanja Brzakoviæ, was made in the production of TALAS FILM, Belgrade and FILMKRAFTWERK, Berlin. The audience all over Serbia will have a possibility to see the movie in cinemas from the 13th of November, as on 12th of November in the cinema Roda Cineplex in presence of Jelena Jankoviæ. More about movie on:


Jutro premiera filmu, zatem prosi³bym jak kto¶ znajdzie gdzie¶ ten filmik niech da znaæ :)
Nie mówie ¿e od razu jutro ale w najbli¿szym czasie :)

Posiadam ju¿ ten film tylko bez napisów, je¶li by kto¶ chcia³ to niech pisze na PW to mogê stworzyæ torrenta, a co do napisów to szukam ochotnika :)

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